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George Clark Sgt. Co. E promoted 2d Lieut Co. D 16th Regt. 12/31/1862 |
"Wed. Eve Dec. 31st ...Three of the resignations in our Regt have been accepted. The Capt & 2d Lieut of Co. H. (Felchville) & Lieut Sherwin of Co. D. (Townsend) There are 4 more which will doubtless be accepted before long. I think Geo Clark stands quite a chance for a Lieutenancy. I would not take a Captaincy (not that there is any propect of my getting one) on any account. I consider a 1st Lieutenancy altogether better.
"This is the last letter I shall write in 1862 Tomorrow another year begins I wonder if it is to be a year of so much suffering as '62 has been.
"We have got a splendid Gen. & the Gen has a splendid staff. The whole Brigade are very much pleased with him." ~ Joseph Spafford, 1st Lieutenant, Company E, Sixteenth Regiment, Letter, December 30 1862, UVM
"Dec. 31. All are mustered. The boys do their best, at washing themselves and clothes, cutting hair and scouring guns, to show off as well as they can. The brigade head-quarters are established at the village, and for the past few days the regiment shave taken turns in sending a hundred men to guard them. No little sensation has been produced by the arrest of several officers and privates, for not dressing, and washing, and stepping, and saluting, and other smaller things, just according to stern military rules. So before leaving our parade ground we go through a mimic guard-mount, under the eye of a field officer. We make a number of mistakes here. These are pointed out. And as is often the case, when, one not thoroughly versed in what he is doing, attempts at being over nice, comes short of his common work, so we under the eye of the General. Yet none are arrested; but some are sworn at, and one of the lieutenants laughed at for making a sort of an awkward start instead of a graceful salute as he passes the officer of the day. Two regiments of cavalry camped near the village. Some of these about midnight make havoc with the sutler's shops, helping themselves to the tobacco, beer, cider and apples, before the guards could reach tem, declaring that they were 'on a bust the last day of the year.'" ~ Lt. Edwin Palmer, 13th Regiment, The Second Brigade: or, Camp Life, By a Volunteer (1864)