"Who is this that looks forth like the dawn, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army with banners?"

Monday, June 24, 2013

Wednesday, June 24, 1863. Marching Orders to join Gen'l Reynolds. "We now belong to the Army of the Potomac."

Col. Wheelock Veazey
16th Vermont
"Wed. June 24, 1863. Have an order to march tomorrow to join 1st Army Corps at Guilford Station. Gen'l Reynolds. Very glad to get away from this place." From the Diary of Wheelock G. Veazey, Colonel, 16th Vermont Regiment.(VHS)

"Wednesday 24th. Co. Drill but as I go on guard, was not obliged to attend. Detailed as Col. Blunt's orderly. Col went to Union Mills intending to go to W- but soon returned with orders for the Reg't to move the next morn to the Mills & then onward. We learned also that we are transferred to the 1st Army Corps, Gen. Reynolds." Diary of Horace Barlow (UVM), 133, Horace Barlow, Pvt., Co. C, 12th Regiment

"June 24. Ten days' rations have been procured, and orders are received for the regiment to report at Union Mills to-morrow at ten o'clock in the forenoon. We now belong to the Army of the Potomac."   ~ John C. Williams, Corporal, Co. B, 14th Regiment, Life in Camp 132 (1864)

"June 24, 1863. Wolf Run Shoals. Boys getting ready to move in the morning. They all feel well about moving. We have got to carry three days' rations." ~ Diary of Frederick L. Reed, Orderly Sergt., Co.. D, 14th Regt., (Memorial Exercises, Castleton VT 1885, p 57-59)

"24th. Marched to Centerville. Rained." ~ Diary of Oliver A. Browne, Co. K, 15th Regiment

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